What We Believe
The Scriptures are Inspired by God and declare His design and plan for mankind.
(2 Timothy 3:15-17 /1 Thessalonians 2:13 / 2 Peter 1:21)
There is only One True God revealed in three persons...Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (commonly known as the Trinity) Deuteronomy 6:4 /Isaiah 43:10,11 /Matthew 28:19 / Luke 3:22)
In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ. As God's son Jesus was both human and divine. (Matthew 1:23 /Luke 1:31 /Luke 1:35)
His sinless life - Hebrews 7:26/ 1 Peter 2:22
His miracles - Acts 2:22/ Acts 10:38
His substitutionary work on the cross - 1 Corinthians 15:3/ 2 Corinthians 5:21
His bodily resurrection from the dead - Mathew 28:6/ Luke 24:39/ 1 Corinthians 15:4
His exaltation to the right hand of God - Acts 1:9/ Acts 1:11/ Acts 2:33/ Philippians 2-11/ Hebrews 1:3
Though originally good, Man Willingly Fell to Sin, evil and death, both physical and spiritual, into the world.
(Genesis 1:26,27/Genesis 2:17 /Genesis 3:6 /Romans 5:12-19)
Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God Through 'Salvation' (trusting Christ, through faith and repentance, to be our personal Savior).
(Luke 24:47 /John 3:3 /Romans 10:13-15 /Ephesians 2:8 /Titus 2:11 /Titus 3:5-7)
The Evidence of Salvation -The inward evidence of salvation is the direct witness of the Spirit. - Romans 8:16
The outward evidence to all men is a life of righteousness and true holiness - Ephesians 4:24 /Titus 2:12
And practice two ordinances (1) Water Baptism by Immersion after repenting of one's sins and
receiving Christ's gift of salvation, and (2) Holy Communion (the Lord's Supper) as a symbolic remembrance of Christ's suffering and death for our salvation.
(1) - Water Baptism - (Matthew 28:19 /Mark 16:16 /Acts 10:47,48 /Romans 6:4)
(2) - Holy Communion - The Lord's Supper, consisting of the elements --bread and the fruit of the
vine is the symbol expressing our sharing the divine nature of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 1:4),
a memorial of his suffering and death (1 Corinthians 11:26), and a prophecy of His second coming
(1 Corinthians 11:26 and is enjoined on all)
The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a Special Experience Following Salvation that empowers believers for witnessing and effective service, just as it did in New Testament times.
(Luke 24:49/Acts 1:4 /Acts 1:8/1 Corinthians 12:1-31)
This experience is distinct from and subsequent to the experience of the new birth. (Acts 8:12-17/Acts 10:44-46 /Acts 11:14-16 /Acts 15:7-9 )
With the baptism in the Holy Spirit come such experiences as:
* an overflowing fullness of the Spirit -John 7:37-39 /Acts 4:8
* a deepened reverence for God - Acts 2:43 /Hebrews 12:28
* an intensified consecration to God and dedication to His work -Acts 2:42 * and a more active love for Christ, for His Word and for the lost - Mark 16:20
The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is Speaking in Tongues, as experienced the Day of Pentecost and referenced throughout Acts and the Epistles
(Acts 2:4)
The speaking in tongues in this instance is the same in essence as the gift of tongues, but is different in purpose and use.
(1 Corinthians 12:4-10/1 Corinthians 12:28)
Sanctification initially occurs at salvation and is not only a declaration that a believer is holy, but also a progressive lifelong process of separating from evil as believers continually draw closer to God and become more Christlike.
(Romans 12:1,2/1 Thessalonians 5:23 /Hebrews 13:12 )
The Scriptures teach a life of "holiness without which no man shall see the Lord." - Hebrews 12:14 By the power of the Holy Spirit we are able to obey the command: "Be ye holy, for I am holy."
(1 Peter 1:15,16)
Sanctification is realized in the believer by recognizing his identification with Christ in His death and resurrection, and by the faith reckoning daily upon the fact of that union, and by offering every faculty continually to the dominion of the Holy Spirit.
(Romans 6:1-11 /Romans 6:13/Romans 8:1,2 /Romans 8:13 /Galatians 2:20 /Philippians 2:12,13/1 Peter 1:5)
The Church has a Mission to seek and save all who are lost in sin. We believe 'the Church' is the Body of
Christ and consists of the people who, throughout time, have accepted God's offer of redemption (regardless of religious denomination) through the sacrificial death of His son Jesus Christ. (Ephesians 1:22,23/Ephesians 2:22/Hebrews 12:23)
Since God’s purpose concerning man is to seek and to save that which is lost, to be worshiped by man, to build a body of believers in the image of His Son, and to demonstrate His love and compassion for all the world, the priority reason for being of the Assemblies of God as part of the Church is:
(1) To be an agency of God for evangelizing the world - Acts 1:8/Matthew 28:19,20/Mark 16:15,16
(2)To be a corporate body in which man may worship God - 1 Corinthians 12:13
(3)To be a channel of God’s purpose to build a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son - (Ephesians 4:11 /Corinthians 12:28 / 1 Corinthians 14:12)
(4)To be a people who demonstrate God’s love and compassion for all the world. - (Psalms 112:9/Galatians 2:10; 6:10/James 1:27 )
The Assemblies of God exists expressly to give continuing emphasis to this reason for being in the New Testament apostolic pattern by teaching and encouraging believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. This experience:
(1)Enables them to evangelize in the power of the Spirit with accompanying supernatural signs - (Mark 16:15-20/Acts 4:29-31/Hebrews 2:23)
(2)Adds a necessary dimension to worshipful relationship with God.
(1 Corinthians 2:10-16 /1 Corinthians 12 /1 Corinthians 13/ 1 Corinthians 14)
(3)Enables them to respond to the full working of the Holy Spirit in expression of fruit and gifts and ministries as in New Testament times for the edifying of the body of Christ and care for the poor and needy of the world.
(Galatians 5:22-26/ Matthew 25:37-40 /Galatians 6:10 /1 Corinthians 14:12 /Ephesians 4:11,12/ 1 Corinthians 12:28/Colossians 1:29 )
A Divinely Called and Scripturally Ordained Leadership Ministry Serves the Church. The Bible teaches that
each of us under leadership must commit ourselves to reach others for Christ, to worship Him with other believers, to build up or edify the body of believers the Church and to Meet human need with ministries of love and compassion.
Evangelization of the world - Mark 16:15-20
Worship of God - John 4:23,24
Building a body of saints being perfected in the image of His Son -Ephesians 4:11-16
Meeting human need with ministries of love and compassion - Psalms 112:9 /Galatians 2:10; 6:14/James 1:27
Divine Healing of the Sick is a Privilege for Christians Today and is provided for in Christ's atonement
(His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins)
(Isaiah 53:4,5 /Matthew 8:16,17 /James 5:14-16)
in The Blessed Hope When Jesus Raptures His Church Prior to His Return to Earth (the second coming).
At this future moment in time all believers who have died will rise from their graves and will meet the Lord in the air, and Christians who are alive will be caught up with them, to be with the Lord forever
(1 Thessalonians 4:16,17 /Romans 8:23 /Titus 2:13/1 Corinthians 15:51,52 )
in The Millennial Reign of Christ when Jesus returns with His saints at His second coming and begins
His benevolent rule over earth for 1,000 years. This millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel and the establishment of universal peace.
(Zechariah 14:5 /Matthew 24:27 /Matthew 24:30 /Revelation 1:7 /Revelation 19:11-14/Revelation 20:1-6)
This millennial reign will bring the salvation of national Israel -Ezekiel 37:21,22/Zephaniah 3:19,20/Romans 11:26,27 and the establishment of universal peace - Isaiah 11:6-9 /Psalms 72:3-8 /Micah 4:3,4
A Final Judgment Will Take Place for those who have rejected Christ. They will be judged for their sin
and consigned to eternal punishment in a punishing lake of fire.
(Matthew 25:46 /Mark 9:43-48 /Revelation 19:20 /Revelation 20:11-15 /Revelation 21:8)
and look forward to the perfect New Heavens and a New Earth that Christ is preparing for all people,
of all time, who have accepted Him. We will live and dwell with Him there forever following His millennial reign on Earth.
And so shall we forever be with the Lord!'
(2 Peter 3:13/Revelation 21 /Revelation 22 )